The EU and Human Rights as Institutional Facts in the Finnish Political Discourse on Family Reunification


  • Linda Hyökki Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University and Ibn Haldun University



Temporary Protection, Syrians in Turkey, Refugee Law, Termination of Temporary Protection, Permanent Solution


This article analyses the Finnish political response to the refugee influx connected with the Syrian war and violent conflicts in its neighbouring states. In July 2016, a law amendment on the Finnish Aliens Act about a secured income prerequisite for family reunification applications came into force. Using argumentation schemes as outlined by Fairclough & Fairclough (2012), this article analyses the discursive framing of the law amendment in Parliament. The paper benefits from the social ontology of John Searle (1995; 2010) and utilises his concept of institutional facts. The analysis shows that, as normative sources for action, the institutional context of the EU, as well as the Human Rights, possess different degrees of deontic modality which in turn shapes the representation of social reality in the context of the refugee crisis and its global and local impact.


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Author Biography

Linda Hyökki, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University and Ibn Haldun University

Linda Hyökki is a Research Associate at Center for Islam and Global Affairs in Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University and a Ph.D. Candidate at Alliance of Civilizations Institute in Ibn Haldun University, Turkey


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How to Cite

Hyökki, L. (2019). The EU and Human Rights as Institutional Facts in the Finnish Political Discourse on Family Reunification. Migration Letters, 16(2), 317–328.


