Communication Network Risks And Digital Footprints In Online Prostitution In Indonesia: Netnographic Study On Online Prostitution In Twitter Media


  • Catur Suratnoaji
  • Tresna Maulana Fahrudin
  • Made Haninda Prami Swari
  • Amalia Anjani Arifiyanti


Technology media has raised method new radical support needed for individuals in making friends, business, politics, looking for entertainment, even in terms of prostitution. Millions of people now connect in a complex way through social media such as E-mail, Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Line, Flickr, and so on. From time to time, more and more people access this application with a device cellular Which aims to spread the content message from One location to location another in a manner live (real-time). To understand the online prostitution community, researchers used the Netnography method. This approach is an attempt to get a contextual and holistic picture of the online prostitution community. In the world of prostitution, social media is seen by prostitutes as the worst media effective. Collection data is done with the method of the interview also uses download data network communication prostitution through the software NodeXL. Results study describe that Online prostitution activities are very beneficial for the people who participate in these activities. For commercial sex workers (PSK), online prostitution activities are prone to accidents and crime. Conversely, users of online sex are also vulnerable to profiling or extortion. Social exchange theory can explain the interaction between commercial sex workers (PSK) and their users. Based on communication network analysis, The number of people involved in online prostitution interactions during the study period was 1092 and divided into 49 clusters. The density or cohesiveness of the communication network in the world of online prostitution is very low. This shows that social media users are one with another. The most popular account in the world of online prostitution is @yukari_kazaima. To get the most responses or to maintain good relations with their customers, online prostitution media managers carry out promotions through Twitter advertisements.


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How to Cite

Suratnoaji, C. ., Fahrudin, T. M. ., Swari, M. H. P. ., & Arifiyanti, A. A. . (2024). Communication Network Risks And Digital Footprints In Online Prostitution In Indonesia: Netnographic Study On Online Prostitution In Twitter Media. Migration Letters, 21(S4), 1080–1092. Retrieved from


