Diaspora, Home-State Governance and Transnational Political Mobilisation: A Comparative Case Analysis of Ethiopia and Kenya’s State Policy Towards their Diaspora


  • Kennedy Ebang Njikang Department of Social Science and Philosophy University of Jyvaskyla Finland




Aligned to studies that have established that state-diaspora engagement policies consist of a diversity of measures associated with different aims, this study provides a novel approach to such research. It involves investigating how leadership (through diaspora policies) is structured using language to ensure that the objectives of state-diaspora policies are persuasive enough to draw consensual support from the diaspora. Adopting a rhetorical analysis of multi-case data, this paper compares how the notion of diaspora is used within Ethiopia and Kenya’s state-diaspora policy documents and how their understanding of their diaspora shapes the actual political mobilisation of it. The paper demonstrates that by selecting certain themes and by treating diaspora as a powerful strategy, either by segregating it from or including it in the political activities of a nation, domestic governments can strongly influence the political narrative.  Results further show that when the diaspora faces state power not all categories of it are equally accepted or offered the same political rights.



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Author Biography

Kennedy Ebang Njikang, Department of Social Science and Philosophy University of Jyvaskyla Finland

Kennedy Ebang Njikang is a doctoral student at the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland. He received a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Buea in Cameroon and a master’s degree in Human Resource Development from Coventry University in Britain. He also held a master’s degree in Cultural Policy from the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland.  His current field of research is in the unit of Cultural Policy in the Department of Social Science and Philosophy. He is interested in diaspora politics, home state and host state governance, media politics, transnational communities, migrant labour, and capacity development.


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How to Cite

Njikang, K. E. (2020). Diaspora, Home-State Governance and Transnational Political Mobilisation: A Comparative Case Analysis of Ethiopia and Kenya’s State Policy Towards their Diaspora. Migration Letters, 17(1), 71–80. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v17i1.738