Bridging Gaps in Classrooms: Exploring the Intersection between Migration Realities and Differentiated Instruction Using Diagnostic Test


  • Slamet Maulana
  • Ani Rusilowati
  • Sunyoto Eko Nugroho
  • Endang Susilaningsih


The gap in students' basic knowledge is often the primary problem when starting the learning process in the classroom. The phenomenon of migration is one of the various factors causing gaps in the school. Mutation students tend to have high basic knowledge. Differentiated instruction is a solution to dealing with student diversity in the classroom. This study aims to develop diagnostic test instruments to realize differentiated instruction that can bridge the gap in fundamental knowledge in the school due to migration. This research uses research and development design with the ADDIE model. Based on the data collected, there appears to be a gap between local and migration students. In addition, the data collection results also show that the achievement of learning completeness by mutation students is higher than local students. This research produces diagnostic test instruments to realize differentiated instruction that can bridge gaps in the classroom due to migration. The results showed that students were divided into three categories. This classification is then used as reference to provide learning design recommendations for each category. These recommendations aim to assist teachers in developing future lesson plans and realizing differentiated instruction in the classroom. At the end of this research, it has succeeded in developing diagnostic test instruments for differentiated instruction to bridge the gap in fundamental knowledge in the classroom due to migration. The differentiated instruction in the school has succeeded in creating equality in the learning process, especially in the realm of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Maulana, S. ., Rusilowati, A. ., Nugroho, S. E. ., & Susilaningsih , E. . (2024). Bridging Gaps in Classrooms: Exploring the Intersection between Migration Realities and Differentiated Instruction Using Diagnostic Test . Migration Letters, 21(4), 173–186. Retrieved from


