Impact Of Professional Practice On Students' Human Development


  • Patricia Mendivil Hernández
  • Cindy Hernández Henríquez
  • Eduardo González Sánchez
  • Liliana Patricia Álvarez Ruiz
  • Mónica Herazo Chamorro


Professional practices have emerged as a pedagogical strategy that allows students to acquire essential skills and strengthen competencies for their professional growth. This paper is part of the research project entitled "Incidence of professional practice on the disciplinary competencies and the level of human development of students at the Corporación Universitaria del Caribe - CECAR". The objective is to evaluate the level of human development of students who participate in professional practices in the Corporación Universitaria del Caribe CECAR first period 2023. The methodology had a quantitative approach of descriptive type, the population are the students in professional practice of CECAR, the sample is 330 students of the Faculty of Humanities and Education. Data collection was carried out using the Scale of Human Development in University Students (Ruiz, 2004). The results revealed that the students of the Faculty of Humanities and Education who showed high levels of human development before starting their professional practices came from the Psychology, Social Work and Bachelor's Degree in Linguistics and Literature programs. In contrast, the Sports Science and Physical Activity, Bachelor's Degree in English and Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Pedagogy programs presented medium levels. After completing their interns[1]hips, it was evidenced that most of the students who initially had a medium level of human development improved to a high level, with the exception of students of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Pedagogy and Bachelor's Degree in English, who remained at the medium level. In conclusion, professional practices have a significant impact on the promotion of human development in the educational context.


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How to Cite

Hernández, P. M. ., Henríquez, C. H. ., Sánchez, E. G. ., Ruiz, L. P. Álvarez ., & Chamorro, M. H. . (2024). Impact Of Professional Practice On Students’ Human Development . Migration Letters, 21(S4), 222–231. Retrieved from




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