Jurisprudential Metamorphosis: An Interdisciplinary Framework In Exploring The Multifaceted Impacts On Legal Systems For Justice


  • Gunawan Widjaja


In this comprehensive study, titled "Jurisprudential Metamorphosis," the researcher explored the dynamic evolution of legal systems and their intricate impacts on justice within the framework of interdisciplinary analysis. The research delved into the historical trajectories and contemporary shifts that have shaped legal frameworks, unveiling the adaptive responses of these systems to the evolving needs of society. The investigation revealed the interconnectedness of legal systems with broader societal changes, emphasizing the necessity of transcending traditional boundaries through an interdisciplinary lens. The study illuminated the multifaceted nature of legal metamorphosis by scrutinizing historical contexts and embracing contemporary perspectives. The paper contributed significantly to legal scholarship by offering a holistic understanding of the complexities inherent in the evolution of legal systems. Keywords such as "Jurisprudential Metamorphosis," "Legal Systems," "Multifaceted Impacts," "Justice," and "Interdisciplinary Framework" encapsulate the essence of this research, providing a concise representation of the intricate journey through legal evolution and its profound implications on the concept of justice within our ever-evolving societal landscape. This exploration contributes to the ongoing dialogue in legal studies, encouraging a nuanced approach to understanding and navigating the complexities of contemporary legal systems.


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How to Cite

Widjaja, G. . (2023). Jurisprudential Metamorphosis: An Interdisciplinary Framework In Exploring The Multifaceted Impacts On Legal Systems For Justice . Migration Letters, 20(9), 397–406. Retrieved from https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/7156


