Regimes of Intersection: Facing the Manifold Interplays of Discourses, Institutions, and Inequalities in the Regulation of Migration


  • Anna Amelina Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
  • Kenneth Horvath University of Luzern



Migration regimes, inequalities, borders, boundaries, intersectionality


This article proposes to move towards an intersectional regime perspectives to enhance our understanding of the interrelations of borders, boundaries, and inequalities in migration contexts. It addresses a conspicuous mismatch in current research: While the contingencies and context-dependencies of migration regimes are widely acknowledged, little attention has been paid to the actual interwoven mechanisms and processes that link political orders to social formations. We suggest amending already existing analyses of intersectional effects of migration-related ‘lines of oppression’ in two regards. First, we argue for focusing on the intersectional dynamics of political rationalities that give rise to boundaries and borders (the securitisation, the economisation, and the humanitarianisation of migration). Second, we highlight the need to investigate the intersections between different fields of practice involved in the implementation and enactment of boundaries and borders. We conclude by identifying key challenges and promises of an intersectional regime perspective for migration research.


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Author Biography

Anna Amelina, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg

Chairholder of Intercultural Studies


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How to Cite

Amelina, A., & Horvath, K. (2020). Regimes of Intersection: Facing the Manifold Interplays of Discourses, Institutions, and Inequalities in the Regulation of Migration. Migration Letters, 17(4), 487–497.