Implementation Of School-Based Management in Character-Based Schools


  • Indra Warga Dalam
  • Suryadi
  • Fakhrudin Arbah


In improving character education and quality education, schools need a management system that provides freedom according to school needs. For this reason, the government has implemented various programs, including allowing schools or education managers to regulate and implement various policies widely. School-Based Management is one of the government's efforts to achieve community excellence in mastering science and technology. Granting broad educational autonomy to schools is the government's concern for the symptoms that arise and efforts to improve the quality of education in general. This study aims to analyze the implementation of school-based management, a method used qualitatively by collecting instrument data through observation, interviews, and documentation. This study concludes that school-based management in shaping student character requires role models that are described in various school programs by compiling a character-based curriculum and strengthening by evaluating student character development, A good curriculum is needed, as good principal leadership roles and effective and efficient budget management.


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How to Cite

Dalam, I. W. ., Suryadi, & Arbah, F. . (2023). Implementation Of School-Based Management in Character-Based Schools . Migration Letters, 21(2), 1161–1172. Retrieved from




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