School Principal Performance Improvement Through Leadership Transformational and Affective Commitment


  • Horale Tua Simanullang
  • Bedjo Sujanto
  • Fakhrudin Arbah


DKI Jakarta, as the center of government, must have a competent principal to manage educators and students who are more outstanding than other provinces because all facilities to improve the competence of human resources in the field of education are available in Jakarta. Principals who have good competence will improve their performance. The principal's performance is influenced by, among other things, transformational leadership and affective commitment. The absorption data for public high school graduates in DKI Jakarta shows that the data is not optimal. This study aims to determine: 1) the effect of transformational Leadership (X1) on the performance of school principals (Y); 2) the effect of affective Commitment (X2) on the performance of the principal (Y); 3) construct an empirical model of school principal performance based on transformational leadership theory and affective Commitment. This study uses a quantitative approach through the survey method, which is a tool for collecting data that describes one or more characteristics of a particular population. Hypothesis testing uses path analysis techniques. The results showed that: 1) variable X1 (transformational leadership) had a positive and significant effect on variable Y (Principal Performance). A positive coefficient indicates that an increase in variable X1 can increase variable Y and vice versa; 2) variable X2 (affective commitment) has a positive and significant effect on variable Y (Principal Performance). This study concluded that there is an improvement in principal performance through transformational leadership and affective commitment.. This study concludes that there is an increase in the performance of school principals through transformational Leadership and affective Commitment.


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How to Cite

Simanullang, H. T. ., Sujanto, B. ., & Arbah, F. . (2023). School Principal Performance Improvement Through Leadership Transformational and Affective Commitment . Migration Letters, 21(2), 1131–1145. Retrieved from




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