Impact Of Talent Management On Job Performance Of Teachers Of Government Colleges: Mediating Role Of Psychological Empowerment


  • Dr Ashfaq Ahmad
  • Dr. Nazim Ali
  • Dr Aqsa Siddiq
  • Dr. Neelam Akbar
  • Dr. Palwasha Bibi
  • Dr. Haji Rahman


The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between talent management (TM), psychological empowerment (PE), and job performance (JP) of the teachers at the government colleges of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The study also examined the function of PE in mediating the link between TM and JP. This study utilized “path analysis”, a quantitative approach, to examine the association between the variables. The population of the study included government college teachers from KP. A sample size of 432 respondents are selected randomly. The data is collected using a close-ended questionnaires having a Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The results showed that TM has a positive impact on both PE and JP. Furthermore, this study proposed that PE partially mediated the connection between TM and JP which means that PE acts as a middle variable or mechanism through which TM influences JP. This implies that if organizations invest in Talent Management practices, not only can enhance job performance directly but also accompanying psychological empowerment. This understanding could be valuable for companies seeking to optimize their talent management strategies for better overall outcomes in the workplace.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, D. A. ., Ali, D. N. ., Siddiq, D. A. ., Akbar, D. N. ., Bibi, D. P. ., & Rahman, D. H. . (2024). Impact Of Talent Management On Job Performance Of Teachers Of Government Colleges: Mediating Role Of Psychological Empowerment. Migration Letters, 21(S3), 1119–1127. Retrieved from


