Administrative Operations Re-engineering and its Relationship to Knowledge Management in Jordanian Private Universities among Faculty Members


  • Dr. Osama Adel Hasouneh
  • Mohammed Qasem Al. Magableh
  • Dr. Hadeel Saad v
  • Dr. Hussein Mohamad Ali Atoom


The study aimed to identify administrative operations engineering and its relationship to knowledge management in Jordanian private universities among faculty members. The descriptive approach was used through a questionnaire distributed to the study sample of (278) by (50%) of the study community of (556) members. The teaching staff was chosen randomly from Jordanian private universities from the North Region (Jerash University, Jadara University, Irbid National University), and after the statistical analysis, the study showed that the degree of applying  of administrative operations re -engineering in private universities came to a high degree, and the degree of practicing Knowledge management in Jordanian private universities came to a high degree also, and there is a positive correlation, which is a statistically significant value at a significant level (α = 0.05) between administrative operations re- engineering and knowledge management in Jordanian private universities from the faculty  members point of view.

The study recommended the development of policies and strategies that increase the distinction of administrative operations re-engineering and the creation of a specialized unit for knowledge management in universities, in order to ensure the continuity of work efficiently and effectively.


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How to Cite

Hasouneh, D. O. A. ., Magableh, M. Q. A. ., v, D. H. S. ., & Atoom, D. H. M. A. . (2024). Administrative Operations Re-engineering and its Relationship to Knowledge Management in Jordanian Private Universities among Faculty Members . Migration Letters, 21(3), 860–871. Retrieved from




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