Inequalities in Healthcare Provision to Third Country Nationals in Cyprus and the Prospect of a Promising Health Reform


  • Christos Koutsampelas Department of Social and Educational Policy, University of Peloponnese
  • Mamas Theodorou Open University of Cyprus
  • Marios Kantaris Open University of Cyprus



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The rise of migratory inflows in post-crisis Cyprus raised crucial policy challenges, one of which was about the urgent and pressing problem of their access to healthcare services. The old system was characterised by health inequalities that resulted in high unmet needs, especially among migrants from third countries. Drawing on a document analysis of legislative acts, official reports and research papers regarding national health policy, as well as pilot findings from the field, the main aim of this paper is to shed light on this situation and explore under what conditions the ongoing healthcare reform could address the problem of coverage and access to healthcare services for this vulnerable group.


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Author Biographies

Christos Koutsampelas, Department of Social and Educational Policy, University of Peloponnese

Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Educational Policy

Mamas Theodorou, Open University of Cyprus

Emeritus Professor, Open University of Cyprus

Marios Kantaris, Open University of Cyprus

PhD, Open University of Cyprus


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How to Cite

Koutsampelas, C., Theodorou, M., & Kantaris, M. (2020). Inequalities in Healthcare Provision to Third Country Nationals in Cyprus and the Prospect of a Promising Health Reform. Migration Letters, 17(1), 155–163.