Participation of Urban Communities to Increase Cognitive Ability of Children's Learning Problems


  • Teguh Budiharso
  • Mudofir
  • Imroatus Solikhah


The purpose of this study is to describe the role of slum communities in improving cognitive abilities and solving children's learning problems in the city of Cirebon. As is well known, the community always thinks that their responsibilities have been completed when they send their children to school. The success of children in learning is entirely up to the school and teachers. The method used in this study is a qualitative design with a phenomenological approach. Data collection emphasizes two main techniques, namely participating observation and semi-structured interviews, plus one technique, namely documentation. Checks, rechecks, and crosschecks are carried out to increase data confirmation, so that research findings become clearer from the deepest recesses of a phenomenon. The results of qualitative data analysis found that the participation of parents in the education of children in densely populated areas (slum communities) was able to increase the reasoning power of elementary and middle school students and was able to improve students' ability to solve learning difficulties at home. Parents who care for children, although they are unable to provide assistance to students who are studying, are cooperative by not turning on the television and not chatting with neighbors, but on the contrary, providing adequate study space, a conducive learning atmosphere, preparing sufficient data packages, preparing food. nutritious food for children will increase the power of reasoning and the power of solutions to children's learning problems.


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How to Cite

Budiharso, T. ., Mudofir, & Solikhah, I. . (2024). Participation of Urban Communities to Increase Cognitive Ability of Children’s Learning Problems . Migration Letters, 21(3), 653–663. Retrieved from


