The role of non-state actors (NSAs) regarding Syrian refugees in Mersin, Turkey


  • Barış Can Sever Middle East Technical University
  • Mehmet Gökay Özerim Yaşar University



non-state actors, Turkey, Syrians, refugees, NGOs


After the outbreak of the civil war in Syria, Turkey undertook a prominent role by becoming the leading host country for Syrian refugees. The volume of the flow and the urgency of the refugees’ situation have necessitated the involvement of several actors apart from the state. This study reveals and discusses the role of non-state actors in managing refugees through a field study on Syrians in the Turkish city of Mersin. The role of non-state actors in this process is analysed by discussing and presenting (i) their profiles, (ii) the major types of activities and services that they provide for refugees and; (iii) their contribution to integrating Syrians in Turkey.


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How to Cite

Sever, B. C., & Özerim, M. G. (2019). The role of non-state actors (NSAs) regarding Syrian refugees in Mersin, Turkey. Migration Letters, 16(3), 463–471.