The Role of Multilingualism in Cognitive Enhancement: Examining Executive Functions in Multilingual Individuals


  • Kosay Moneer Alshewiter
  • A.J. Khasawneh
  • Dr. Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh


This research investigates the complex relationship between being able to speak several languages fluently and having greater levels of cognitive control among individuals in Jordan. The purpose of this study was to investigate the benefits of being bilingual by using quantitative methods. More specifically, the study looked at how being bilingual impacts one's capacity for working memory and flexibility. According to the findings of our study, multilingual people have an increased capacity for working memory as a result of the cognitive challenges posed by speaking several languages at once and switching back and forth between them. The capacity to adapt to new circumstances and effectively manage language and cultural difficulties is an example of what is meant by the phrase "cognitive flexibility," which appears as a differentiating quality of persons who possess multilingual cognition. [Cognitive flexibility] exemplifies the ability to adjust to new conditions and successfully handle linguistic and cultural obstacles. In addition, we draw attention to the potential moderating effects that age and linguistic ability could have. When compared to being bilingual, having a high level of Arabic proficiency has a major influence on cognitive flexibility, but having a bilingual background gives younger people a big advantage in their working memory. The advantages of multilingualism to cognitive development and problem-solving abilities have been extensively researched and recorded, and the implications of these findings for educational and governmental policies are far-reaching.


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How to Cite

Alshewiter, K. M. ., Khasawneh, A. ., & Khasawneh, D. M. A. S. . (2024). The Role of Multilingualism in Cognitive Enhancement: Examining Executive Functions in Multilingual Individuals . Migration Letters, 21(S2), 469–478. Retrieved from


