Implementing Technology-Mediated Learning in Universities to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals: King Khalid University as a Case Study


  • Dr. Rogia Eltayb Ahmed
  • Dr. Rasha Mamoun Elhassan
  • Dr. Amira Ali Alkholi
  • Dr. Hala Elrasheed Basheer
  • Dr. Ehssan Ibrahim Allah Gabu
  • Dr. Angum M.M. Ibrahim
  • Dr. Amal N.A. Noureldeen


Technology-mediated learning (TML) is the term expressing the current global trend of using information technology to support learning. The use of TML for sustainable development aims to grant people of various ages the expertise, abilities, as well as principles they need to develop and establish a sustainable future. This study assesses, via a case study, how effectively e-learning in higher education can contribute to achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). An analysis was conducted on the experiences of female students who enrolled in the diploma program at King Khalid University's Khamis Mushait Applied College during the Coronavirus period and the transition to online learning. The two dimensions that were investigated consisted of the effects of information technology on e-learning and sustainable development. The random sample was surveyed in order to collect data. The objective of this paper is to review the current research on technology-mediated learning, Sustainable Development Goals, and the extent to which TML contributes to achieving sustainable development goals. Moreover, the study aims to answer the main question: “How can TML contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals?” The data was collected from students at King Khalid University, and they completed the electronic questionnaire to answer the study’s questions. The study reaches the conclusion  that there is a positive, statistically significant relationship between the impact of technology-mediated education on achieving sustainable development and there is a positive, statistically significant relationship between information technology and technology-mediated education  under exceptional circumstances.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, D. R. E. ., Elhassan, D. R. M. ., Alkholi, D. A. A. ., Basheer, D. H. E. ., Gabu, D. E. I. A. ., Ibrahim, D. A. M., & Noureldeen, D. A. . N. (2024). Implementing Technology-Mediated Learning in Universities to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals: King Khalid University as a Case Study. Migration Letters, 21(3), 363–378. Retrieved from


