Influence of Negative Experience on Brand Hatred Perceived by Users of Telecommunications Services in Lambayeque


  • Marco Arbulú Ballesteros
  • Erik Obiol Anaya
  • Silvana Córdova Zárate
  • Walter Meregildo Toribio


Brand hatred can be defined as a psychological state in which a consumer forms an intense negative emotion and hatred towards a brand, a hatred that is revealed with anti-brand activities (Kucuk, 2018).

For their part, Brandao and Popoli (2022) establish that negative experiences with the brand are an unimaginable experience that can cause negative feelings among consumers, which in turn can cause them to stop using or consuming a brand.

On the other hand, in recent years brands have experienced a consumer backlash in the form of brand hatred due to behaviors perceived as unacceptable. Brands failing to meet customer expectations tends to lead to negative feelings and experiences about brands (Roy et al., 2022).

A recent "Forbes" article highlights a major shift in consumer behavior around the world that suggests the growing importance of brand hate, positing that companies become more susceptible to "brand hate" when they fail to meet community expectations or fail to take into account what matters to consumers and society (Da Silva,  2019).


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How to Cite

Ballesteros, M. A. ., Anaya, E. O. ., Zárate, S. C. ., & Toribio, W. M. . (2024). Influence of Negative Experience on Brand Hatred Perceived by Users of Telecommunications Services in Lambayeque . Migration Letters, 21(S2), 218–232. Retrieved from


