Refugee health and religion: Karenni Catholics in Omaha, United States




Social networks, mobility, transnationality, youth, Europe


This article argues, based on the author’s research and years of engagement with resettled Karenni refugees in Omaha (U.S.) and illustrated by a characteristic case of a health emergency, that refugees’ religious beliefs and networks can increase access to resources needed to boost their resilience, improve their health, and advance their sense of wellbeing, and subsequently encourages agencies working with refugees and other migrants to pay attention to refugees’ religious beliefs and networks and closely collaborate with religious organizations. The author conceptualizes religious values and networks as social capital and calls for qualitative studies to explore the role of religion in improving resilience, health, and wellbeing of refugees and migrants.


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Author Biography

Alexander Roedlach, Creighton University

Associate Professor in Anthropology and Psychiatry


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How to Cite

Roedlach, A. (2019). Refugee health and religion: Karenni Catholics in Omaha, United States. Migration Letters, 16(3), 389–397.