Capturing agency in different educational settings. A comparative study on youth perceptions of mobility-framing structures


  • Tabea Schlimbach German Youth Institute
  • Jan Skrobanek University of Bergen
  • Emilia Kmiotek-Meier University of Luxembourg
  • Volha Vysotskaya University of Luxembourg



European youth mobility, micro-macro level approach, human capital, mobility motivations, multiple methods


The geographical mobility of young Europeans takes place within institutional realms that frame young people´s educational and vocational situations. These institutional framings provide unequal preconditions for going abroad. Starting from an action-oriented theoretical approach, the aim of this work was to explore young people´s international moves within different mobility settings. Based on 52 qualitative interviews with mobile youth from three mobility fields in three countries (students from Luxembourg, employees in Norway and Luxembourg and apprentices from Germany), the dynamic concept of context-sensitive mobility-related modes of action (MRMA) was developed. The applied analytic framework reflects the fact that individual perceptions and actions relating to going abroad differ greatly according to the young people’s specific current educational/vocational situations. Moreover, the comparative approach sheds light on different dimensions of inequality caused by these framing systems.


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Author Biography

Tabea Schlimbach, German Youth Institute

Research Unit: Youth Transitions


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How to Cite

Schlimbach, T., Skrobanek, J., Kmiotek-Meier, E., & Vysotskaya, V. (2018). Capturing agency in different educational settings. A comparative study on youth perceptions of mobility-framing structures. Migration Letters, 16(1), 15–29.