Discursive construction of an anti-immigration Europe by a Sweden Democrat in the European Parliament


  • Kamber Güler Marmara University




human trafficking, global security, peace journalism, globalization, otherness


Discourses are mostly used by the elites as a means of controlling public discourse and hence, the public mind. In this way, they try to legitimate their ideology, values and norms in the society, which may result in social power abuse, dominance or inequality. The role of a critical discourse analyst is to understand and expose such abuses and inequalities. To this end, this paper is aimed at understanding and exposing the discursive construction of an anti-immigration Europe by the elites in the European Parliament (EP), through the example of Kristina Winberg, a member of the Sweden Democrats political party in Sweden and the political group of Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy in the EP. In the theoretical and methodological framework, the premises and strategies of van Dijk’s socio-cognitive approach of critical discourse analysis make it possible to achieve the aim of the paper.


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Author Biography

Kamber Güler, Marmara University

European Research Institute, Department of European Politics and International Relations


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How to Cite

Güler, K. (2019). Discursive construction of an anti-immigration Europe by a Sweden Democrat in the European Parliament. Migration Letters, 16(3), 429–439. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v16i3.632