It’s the taking part that counts: Inequalities and simultaneous youth transnational engagement from six European countries


  • Laura Di­az-Chorne Professional Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists Ferraz 100, 28008 Madrid, Spain
  • Victor Suárez-Lledó Professional Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists Ferraz 100, 28008 Madrid, Spain
  • Javier Lorenzo Rodriguez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Calle Madrid, 126, 28903 Getafe, Madrid



Transylvania, Roma, early marriage, Romania, Gabor Roma


In this article we investigate transnational engagement in the destination country and oriented towards the home country, offering a theoretical analysis of the often-neglected simultaneous nature of this phenomenon. Using two original indices, we empirically examine the extent to which young people from six countries (Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Norway, Romania and Spain) are involved in transnational political, economic, social and cultural activities. The study is based on two surveys carried out as part of the H2020 project MOVE, which studied youth mobility in Europe, with a sample of 8,706 young respondents (18-29 years old). Our findings show that migrants’ transnational engagement in their home country and destination is not only simultaneous but mutually reinforcing. This engagement is affected by individual and institutional constraints, which shows that transnational ties and transactions not only produce inequalities but are affected by them.


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Author Biographies

Laura Di­az-Chorne, Professional Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists Ferraz 100, 28008 Madrid, Spain

Laura Díaz-Chorne is a researcher at the Professional Association of Sociologists and Political Scientist in Madrid where she coordinates European projects. Her reserach interests focus on migration and youth studies. Some of her latest research include projects MOVE (H2020 2015-2018), Youth Wiki (Erasmus+2016-2018), MICADO (H2020 2018-2022).

Victor Suárez-Lledó, Professional Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists Ferraz 100, 28008 Madrid, Spain

Victor Suarez-Lledo is a researcher at the Professional Association of Sociologists and Political Scientists, PhD Student in Social Science at University of Cadiz, Department of Biomedicine, Biotechnology & Public Health. MA in Methodology by Complutense University of Madrid. BA in Sociology by University of Granada.Research interest: Computational Social Science, Social Inequalities and International Migrations

Javier Lorenzo Rodriguez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Calle Madrid, 126, 28903 Getafe, Madrid

Javier Lorenzo Rodriguez. European PhD in Political Science at Charles III University of Madrid. Assistant Professor of Political Science in the Department of Social Sciences at Charles III University of MadridMA in Information Society and New Technologies by University of SalamancaBA in Political Sciences and Public Policy by Complutense University of Madrid. Research Interests in Political and Social Behaviour Online, especially focused on youth. 


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How to Cite

Di­az-Chorne, L., Suárez-Lledó, V., & Lorenzo Rodriguez, J. (2018). It’s the taking part that counts: Inequalities and simultaneous youth transnational engagement from six European countries. Migration Letters, 16(1), 73–91.