Why is it so hard? And for whom? Obstacles to intra-European mobility


  • Emilia Kmiotek-Meier University of Luxembourg Maison des Sciences Humaines UR IPSE/Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning 11, Porte des Sciences L-4366 Esch-Belval Luxembourg
  • Jan Skrobanek University of Bergen & Western Norway University of Applied Science
  • Birte Nienaber University of Luxembourg
  • Volha Vysotskaya University of Luxembourg
  • Sahizer Samuk University of Luxembourg
  • Tuba Ardic Western Norway University of Applied Science
  • Irina Pavlova Western Norway University of Applied Science
  • Zsuzsanna Dabasi-Halázs University of Miskolc
  • Celia Diaz Colegio de Sociólogos y Politólogos de Madrid & Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Jutta Bissinger University of Luxembourg
  • Tabea Schlimbach German Youth Institute
  • Klaudia Horvath University of Miskolc




mobility, youth, obstacles , qualitative methods, quantitative methods, correspondence analysis, Europe


Even though intra-European youth mobility is valued as a boost for personal and professional development, few opt for it. While obstacles preventing young people to become mobile have been discussed broadly, less attention has been paid to the obstacles for the youth who are already on the move. We offer this rare perspective in regard to intra-European mobility. We focus on youth in four types: pupil mobility, vocational (education and training) mobility, higher education student (degree and credit) mobility and employment mobility, in six countries: Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Norway, Romania and Spain. Our analysis, based on qualitative (140 interviews) and quantitative (N=1.682) data, reveals that the perceived obstacles vary between the mobility types, with the greatest divergence between the educational and work-related mobilities. Obstacles such as lack of financial resources and guidance, the perceived incompatibility of institutional regulations within Europe, are shared by all mobile youth.


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How to Cite

Kmiotek-Meier, E., Skrobanek, J., Nienaber, B., Vysotskaya, V., Samuk, S., Ardic, T., Pavlova, I., Dabasi-Halázs, Z., Diaz, C., Bissinger, J., Schlimbach, T., & Horvath, K. (2018). Why is it so hard? And for whom? Obstacles to intra-European mobility. Migration Letters, 16(1), 31–44. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v16i1.627