Structural framework conditions and individual motivations for youth-mobility: A macro-micro level approach for different European country-types


  • Karen Hemming German Youth Institute Postal adress: Deutsches Jugendinstitut, e.V. Außenstelle Halle (Saale) Franckeplatz 1 (Haus 12/13) 06110 Haale (Saale) Germany
  • Tabea Schlimbach German Youth Institute
  • Frank Tillmann German Youth Institute
  • Birte Nienaber University of Luxembourg
  • Monica Roman The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
  • Jan Skrobanek University of Bergen



Turkey, migration, Italy, gender, social norms, decision-making power


European youth mobility seems to be fostering Europe’s unequal pace of integration, which sees certain countries benefit at the expense of others (Ohmacht et al., 2009; van Mol & Timmerman, 2014). Using a comparative approach, the paper aims to relate a macro-level country-typology focussing on human capital with individual mobility-motivations on the micro-level. Our methodological approach is based on a secondary macro-data analysis and analyses of mobility-motivations of young people (micro-data) deriving from qualitative (N=152) and quantitative data (N=5,499) collected in six European countries. In order to examine correspondence between macro-conditions and micro-aspects, we relate information on mobility-motivations to the country-typology by allocating mobile youth to the respective types of their home country. The results show that the country-types compose different opportunity structures, which are reflected in individual motivations. Accordingly, different country-types can be seen as an example of the heterogeneity and inequality of European social and territorial mobility frames.


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Author Biography

Karen Hemming, German Youth Institute Postal adress: Deutsches Jugendinstitut, e.V. Außenstelle Halle (Saale) Franckeplatz 1 (Haus 12/13) 06110 Haale (Saale) Germany

Sociologist, PhD, senior researcher at researach unit "youth transitions", interested in deprived youth, school to work transitions, organised leisure activities, multiple methods approaches


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How to Cite

Hemming, K., Schlimbach, T., Tillmann, F., Nienaber, B., Roman, M., & Skrobanek, J. (2018). Structural framework conditions and individual motivations for youth-mobility: A macro-micro level approach for different European country-types. Migration Letters, 16(1), 45–59.

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