Information Security in the Optimization of Web Servers in the OTIC of the FIIS-UNAC, 2022


  • Marisol Paola Delgado Baltazar
  • Ruben Dario Mendoza Arenas
  • Oswaldo Daniel Casazola Cruz
  • Jenny María Ruiz Salazar
  • Santiago Rodolfo Aguilar Loyaga
  • Mónica Beatriz La Chira Loli
  • Edwin Johny Asnate Salazar



This research was carried out on the security of web servers in the Information and Communication Technology Office (OTIC) of the Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering (FIIS); It must be established through operating and use rules, to guarantee the protection and availability of the information of the computing infrastructure and computer resources.

Provide and guarantee a level of security, reduce information security risks efficiently and adapted to changes that occur in risks, the environment and in application servers works with a web server to handle content requests dynamic, such as servlets, of web applications. A web server uses a web server plug-in to establish and maintain persistent HTTP and HTTPS connections with an application server.

The web server process is an example of the client/server model. All computers that have websites must have web server software.

In the Information and Communication Technology Office of the Faculty of Industrial and Systems Engineering; Web servers are used in web hosting or data hosting for websites and web-based applications, or web applications.


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How to Cite

Baltazar, M. P. D. ., Arenas, R. D. M. ., Cruz, O. D. C. ., Salazar, J. M. R. ., Loyaga, S. R. A. ., Loli, M. B. L. C. ., & Salazar, E. J. A. . (2023). Information Security in the Optimization of Web Servers in the OTIC of the FIIS-UNAC, 2022. Migration Letters, 21(2), 390–398.


