Portrait of Population Migration in Indonesia: Implications for Social Science Learning in Secondary Schools


  • Iswan Riyadi
  • Lukman Affandi




Objective study This study examines the portrait of population migration in Indonesia and its implications for social science learning in secondary schools. As for the method of study This is a qualitative study, and research qualitative is a research method used to understand social phenomena in depth. In terms of the type of research used by the researcher, ie A literature study is carried out by researchers by collecting, studying, and analyzing references or sources obtained in written form, such as books, journals, articles, documents, and other sources of information that are significant to the topic or title being researched. And then the researcher analyzes and draws conclusions to find answers to what the researcher is studying. The results of the research show that understanding the direct implications of the portrait of population migration on social studies learning in secondary schools can open the door to a deeper understanding of the social, economic, and cultural dynamics of society. Education focused on migration issues is not just about imparting knowledge but also about forming attitudes, analytical skills, and sensitivity to the complexities of an ever-changing world.


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How to Cite

Riyadi, I. ., & Affandi, L. . (2023). Portrait of Population Migration in Indonesia: Implications for Social Science Learning in Secondary Schools. Migration Letters, 21(2), 206–215. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v21i2.6037


