An Arabic Lexical Platform: The Meta-linguistic Model
The dictionary is an essential foundation of language, as it preserves the fundamental structure of the language. However, the Arabic library in general, and the Arab world in particular, have suffered from a clear deficiency in the field of lexicography. Lexicographic studies have taken two approaches: the first focuses on revising the works of previous scholars, while the second examines the principles of modern lexicography and their availability in traditional Arabic dictionaries.
The advent of technology has exacerbated the problem, as it has facilitated the development and accessibility of many technological applications with non-Arabic languages, especially those written from left to right. This has led to the availability of linguistic dictionaries that enrich these languages. Meanwhile, the Arabic language and its lexicographers have lagged behind the goals achieved by their predecessors through their dictionaries. This has created a temporal gap that hinders the progress and adaptation of the Arabic language to advancements and technology, with the language being accused of difficulty and technological deviance.
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