The Effect of Public Relations Competency on Public Trust Through Public Relations Orientation in East Java Regional Police and Rankings Resort Police: Moderation Effects of Accessibility and Social Capital


  • Indah Triastuti
  • Fendy Suhariadi
  • Suparto Wijoyo
  • Suko Widodo
  • Zuyyinna Choirunnisa



This research aims to scientifically identify and examine the influence of public relations competence on public trust through public relations orientation at the East Java Regional Police Public Relations and Sub-regional Police Officers, with the moderating effects of accessibility and social capital. The research method employed in this study is explanatory research using multilevel analysis, which distinguishes between individual and organizational levels. Informants were selected using purposive sampling, resulting in research respondents being police personnel working in the East Java Regional Police Public Relations and Sub-regional Police Officers, while accidental sampling was used for the community. Data collection methods included questionnaires, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques encompass descriptive statistics, validity tests, reliability tests, and multilevel analysis. Based on the results of the research analysis, it can be concluded that 1.) Public relations competency positively and significantly affected public relations orientation; 2.) Public relations orientation positively and significantly affected public trust; 3.) Social capital of personnel was strengthening the effect of public relations orientation on public trust; 4.) Accessibility did not moderate the influence of public relations orientation on public trust; 5.) Public relations competency did not affect public trust positively and significantly; 6.) In managing social media and mainstream media to create conducive public safety and order and make the community more productive and also required to be fast in providing accurate, reliable, and transparent information to the public; 7.) There was a public relations strategy for East Java Regional Police and Sub-regional Police Officers, namely a proactive strategy consisting of action strategies, communication strategies, and reactive strategy.


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How to Cite

Triastuti, I. ., Suhariadi, F. ., Wijoyo, S. ., Widodo, S. ., & Choirunnisa, Z. . (2023). The Effect of Public Relations Competency on Public Trust Through Public Relations Orientation in East Java Regional Police and Rankings Resort Police: Moderation Effects of Accessibility and Social Capital . Migration Letters, 20(8), 1138–1157.




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