Continuous Population Evolution of Kediri Regency Based on the 2010 and 2020 Population Censuses
This study aims to determine the readiness of the residents of Kediri Regency in increasing sustainable development based on the 2010 and 2020 population censuses, this is in accordance with one of the Sustainable Development Golds (SDGs) programs. In this development period, population demographic data is needed in various types of development planning among others for the purposes of increasing human resources in an area, for this reason, formal data in the form of a population census really needs to be studied. In tackling the population problem, it is not only charged to the government and population experts, but also to all Indonesians, especially in an effort to include the community in understanding and solving the population problem (ida bagus mantra, introduction to demographic studies, 2002 edition of the reference). This study aims to evaluate the data of Agexs, Joint Score Index (Combined Index), and Pyramid. Where this program is carried out in order to find out the differences in sex ratio, dependency ratio, and population growth (Arfida Br, pendulukan economic praticum module, 2019). The results showed: Agesx that the average age ratio deviation in 2010 of men (5.29), women (5.18) was higher than in 2020 which experienced a decrease in the average age ratio deviation in men by (2.45), women (3.13). Likewise, the average ratio difference in 2010 was (3.40) higher than in 2020 by (1.82). Meanwhile, the number of age sex accuracy index in 2010 was (20.66) higher than in 2020 by (11.04) which decreased. Joint Score Index then this can be categorized as the quality of population age analysis data for both male and female residents in urban and rural areas of Kediri Regency in 2010 which is based on the calculation of the Joint Score Index, which is "Moderate means that Kediri Regency has a Joint Score Index (20.67) the JSI size for Kediri Regency is ideal for development planning" and in 2020 which is based on the Joint Score Index calculation, which is "Accurate means that Kediri Regency has a Joint Score Index (11.04) the JSI size for Kediri Regency is good for development planning". Pyramid according to age group and gender in 2010 is in the form of an Expansive Pyramid or often called a triangle, cone, limas, or pyramid of young inhabitants and in 2020 the shape of a Stationary Pyramid is often called a grenade or rectangular shape.
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