From Insecurity to Secondary Migration: “Bounded Mobilities” of Syrian and Eritrean Refugees in Europe




This paper seeks to analyse Syrian and Eritrean refugees' mobility experience across European borders, in a framework of mobility and insecurity. Drawing on the conflict model of migration, the paper focuses on the effects of migration and asylum policies when these are not in line with refugees’ needs and aspirations. We argue that when the asylum system does not meet with those expectations, insecurity brings into play secondary movements, which occur in a framework of irregularity. The considerations behind this article are motivated by the empirical evidence that both Syrian and Eritrean refugees undertake irregular secondary migration, whilst being within a protection system that most of the times satisfies their asylum claims. This paper is the result of a qualitative research conducted in 2017 through observation, in-depth interviews with Syrian and Eritrean refugees, and consultations with experts and practitioners in Italy, Greece, Germany and Lebanon.


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Author Biography

Irene Tuzi, Sapienza University of Rome; Humboldt University of Berlin

Irene Tuzi is a PhD Candidate in Social Sciences at Sapienza University of Rome, and Humboldt University of Berlin. Her research explores the impact of forced migration on gender roles and relations among Syrian families displaced in Germany and Lebanon. She has previously conducted research at the Lebanese American University (Lebanon), the Institute for Palestine Studies (Lebanon) and the Institute of Mediterranean Europe History at the National Research Council (Italy).


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How to Cite

Tuzi, I. (2019). From Insecurity to Secondary Migration: “Bounded Mobilities” of Syrian and Eritrean Refugees in Europe. Migration Letters, 16(4), 551–561.