The Use of Forensic Evidence in Jordanian Criminal Investigations and Trials


  • Dr. Mohammad Mostafa Mohammad Airout
  • Dr. Sadam Ibrahim Abdulkhaleq Abu Azam



This paper provides an overview of the use of forensic evidence within the Jordanian legal system. In Jordan, forensic evidence encompasses a broad range of scientific disciplines, including DNA analysis, fingerprint analysis, ballistics, toxicology, and digital forensics. The collection and analysis of such evidence are essential in resolving criminal cases, ensuring the guilty are held accountable and the innocent are exonerated. Forensic evidence is pivotal in establishing the facts of a case. The Jordanian legal system, which is based on a mix of civil and Islamic law, places great importance on tangible and scientific proof to establish guilt or innocence. Judges and juries rely on forensic experts to provide unbiased and objective assessments of evidence. This reliance ensures that investigations and trials are fair and based on concrete data rather than conjecture. DNA analysis, in particular, has revolutionized criminal justice in Jordan. It can identify suspects with a high degree of certainty, leading to the successful prosecution of criminals. Additionally, fingerprint analysis, ballistics, and toxicology provide insights into the nature of a crime and the involvement of potential suspects. Despite the invaluable role of forensic evidence in Jordan's criminal justice system, there are challenges, such as resource constraints and the need for ongoing training and accreditation of forensic experts. In conclusion, the use of forensic evidence in criminal investigations and trials in Jordan is instrumental in ensuring justice is served. Recommendations were made that there is a need for increased investment in forensic facilities and technology. To bolster the capabilities of forensic laboratories, Jordan should allocate more resources to acquire state-of-the-art equipment and provide training for forensic experts. This will help expedite the processing of evidence and improve the overall quality of forensic analysis.


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How to Cite

Airout, D. M. M. M. ., & Azam, D. S. I. A. A. . (2023). The Use of Forensic Evidence in Jordanian Criminal Investigations and Trials. Migration Letters, 20(S10), 1168–1182.


