PISA 2018 Student Radicalism


  • Safari
  • Benny Widaryanto
  • Ibnu Salman
  • Heni Waluyo
  • Suhermai
  • Suci Paresti
  • Renni Diastuti
  • Muh Murtadlo




Goal: is there a correlation between student activities throughout childhood, the ability to describe news, and the degree of political involvement (radicalism) in the PISA 2018 results? Methods: A quantitative approach was taken in this investigation. Students who are 15 years old and enrolled in school in 2018 make up the study's population, while students who take the PISA test at that age in 80 different countries make up the sample. As 87194 students from 80 different nations responded to a questionnaire that contained the study's data. Results: According to multiple regression analysis, there was a correlation between student actions at PISA 2018 and levels of news description, political interest, and radicalism (r=0.096; r2=0.009; P0.000). The conclusion: According to statistics, all variables have a relationship. However, the three variables only account for 1% of the total contribution. This demonstrates the lack of interest among students in politics and radicalism. Implications: Teachers and school administrators need to take immediate action to stop the dissemination of ideas that are likely to be extremist and inspire acts of terrorism through classroom instruction and textbooks.


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How to Cite

Safari, Widaryanto, B. ., Salman, I. ., Waluyo, H. ., Suhermai, Paresti, S. ., Diastuti, R. ., & Murtadlo, M. . (2023). PISA 2018 Student Radicalism . Migration Letters, 20(8), 640–650. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v20i8.5434




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