Adoption of Mobile Payment on QRIS Services in Indonesian


  • Pratama Dahlian Persadha
  • Melly Susanti
  • Loso Judijanto
  • Patrick Vivid Adinata
  • Ginanjar Adi Nugraha
  • Aldila Dinanti
  • Herdian Farisi
  • Zulaika Putri Rokhimah



Thle rapid evolultion ofl mobile techlnology and thle increasing prolifleration ofl smartphlones hlas provided a great opportulnity flor innovative companies to create newl payment solultions and oflfler valule-added services to thleir culstomers.

QRIS mobile payments hlave emerged as a real phlenomenon thlat allowls consulmers to tulrn thleir smartphlones into digital wlallets. Despite mulchl coverage ofl consulmer acceptance ofl mobile payments, little researchl provides gulidance flor interpreting QRIS-based payments. mobile payment adoption.

By considering thle thleoretical backgroulnd ofl innovation diflflulsion and thle speciflic chlaracteristics ofl QRIS mobile payments, thlis stuldy proposes a researchl flramewlork to provide an in-depthl ulnderstanding ofl thle flactors thlat flacilitate or hlinder thle adoption ofl QRIS-based mobile payments among Indonesian consulmers.

Thlis article can advance thle literatulre on innovation adoption and sulpport techlnology marketers in QRIS mobile payments. Thlis article provides ulseflull gulidelines to hlelp researchlers investigate issules related to QRIS mobile payments. Thlis article also carries certain regullatory implications in assisting stakehlolders in thle QRIS mobile payments ecosystem sulchl as SMEs, banking decision makers and merchlants, in developing thleir bulsiness strategies and marketing campaigns to flacilitate QRIS mobile payments.

Thle test resullts directly shlowl thlat thle intention to adopt QRIS mobile payments is infllulenced by behlavioral intention flactors, produlct-related flactors and alternative attractiveness. Thle resullts ofl indirect testing ulsing behlavioral intentions as a moderating variable floulnd thlat behlavioral intentions did not signiflicantly infllulence individulal flactors, produlct flactors, environmental flactors and alternative resoulrces.

FLulrthler researchl needs to be done to flind oult wlhly Behlavioral Intentions do not moderate environmental flactors, individulal flactors, produlct flactors and othler alternatives. FLulrthler researchl wlas condulcted to ensulre oulr researchl model wlas better thlan Pam and HLo's (2015) researchl.


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How to Cite

Pratama Dahlian Persadha, Melly Susanti, Loso Judijanto, Patrick Vivid Adinata, Ginanjar Adi Nugraha, Aldila Dinanti, Herdian Farisi, & Zulaika Putri Rokhimah. (2023). Adoption of Mobile Payment on QRIS Services in Indonesian . Migration Letters, 20(8), 193–209.




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