Current Trends in Organizational Culture: Driving Employee Engagement


  • Maurtua Gurmendi Luzmila Gabriela
  • Soto Abanto Segundo Eloy
  • Ali Darwish Maurtua Abdell Useff
  • Aliaga Guevara Frisa Maria Antonieta
  • Garcia Peralta Jorge
  • Morales Bedoya, Marco Antonio



The research study was quantitative, non-experimental, of a causal explanatory type, the study population consisted of 45 small companies, the method was hypothetical deductive, and a Likert scale was used to collect data, the pilot test was applied that gave reliable results with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.877 for organizational culture and 0.835 for work commitment. The main objective of the study was to examine current trends in organizational culture and how they influence employee engagement in small businesses. Using Spearman's Rho, it was established that there is a significant correlation between the two variables, given that the level of significance had a value of 0.006, minus P=0.05, which allows us to validate the alternative hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis, suggest a strong correlation between organizational culture and work commitment.   It highlights the importance of fostering a positive culture in these companies to improve employee engagement. The article provides insights into how companies can boost their employee engagement by paying attention to their organizational culture, which can have a significant impact on productivity and talent retention.


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How to Cite

Gabriela, M. G. L. ., Eloy, S. A. S., Abdell Useff, A. D. M. ., Antonieta, A. G. F. M. ., Jorge, G. P. ., & Antonio, M. B. M. (2023). Current Trends in Organizational Culture: Driving Employee Engagement . Migration Letters, 20(S9), 1228–1240.


