Employee Welfare and Organisational Performance: A Study of Maternity leave Policy in Covenant University, Nigeria


  • Ayankoya Abimbola Rachel
  • Goddy Uwa Osimen




Objective: Employees are organisations resources because without them, an organisation cannot function, employees are thereby dependent on their employers for both a place to work and the execution of their own disciplined practices to guarantee their welfare. One of the components of the welfare in an organisation is the provision of maternity leave policy for female employees. Maternity leave policy was established to help women juggle both their productive and reproductive life. Covenant University maternity leave policy is one that allows their female employee a three month leave with a 50% pay. To ensure organisational performance, employee welfare is essential. The study adopted the Social Construct theory. This study therefore examines maternity leave policy in Covenant University to critically examine employee welfare on organisational performance.

Method: Hence, both primary and secondary data were collected using literature search, questionnaire, and interview. Data gathered were analysed using frequency, percentage, and correlation analysis.

Results: The research revealed that maternity leave policy has a statistically significant weak and positive relationship with organisational performance, that an increase in maternity leave policy will lead to a low increase in organisational performance. The study therefore recommends that the pay of the Maternity leave in Covenant University should be reviewed and increased back to a full pay.

Conclusion: The study concludes that employee welfare, as enhanced by the maternity leave policy, has a direct correlation with organisational performance.


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How to Cite

Ayankoya Abimbola Rachel, & Goddy Uwa Osimen. (2023). Employee Welfare and Organisational Performance: A Study of Maternity leave Policy in Covenant University, Nigeria . Migration Letters, 20(S9), 815–824. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v20iS9.4850




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