The Influence of Counting Apron Media on the Ability to Recognize Number Concepts in Children Aged 5-6 Years at Kindergarten Nusantara Banten


  • Isti Rusdiyani
  • Maulina Rahayu
  • Amat Hidayat



Understanding the concept of numbers is important because it is indirectly related to people's daily lives. The introduction to the concept of numbers in group B is still relatively poor, this is reflected in the children not being able to name numbers in sequence, or connect number symbols with object numbers. This research aims to improve the ability to recognize number concepts in preschool children through counting aprons. This research uses quantitative methods, quasi-experimental. The experimental design used in the research was non-equivalent control group design. The data was then analyzed using hypothesis test calculations using the Mann Whitney test. The post-test results in the experimental group were 15.33 and in the control group were 10.73. The post-test results for the control group and the experimental group at TK Nusantara Banten were 0.000. The value displayed is less than 0.05, which can be said to be the difference between the post-test results of the control group and the experimental group. Based on data analysis, it can be said that the use of numeracy materials can improve the ability to recognize number concepts in group B of TK Nusantara Banten.


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How to Cite

Isti Rusdiyani, Maulina Rahayu, & Amat Hidayat. (2023). The Influence of Counting Apron Media on the Ability to Recognize Number Concepts in Children Aged 5-6 Years at Kindergarten Nusantara Banten . Migration Letters, 20(S9), 412–424.


