The Role of Governance Principles in Enhancing Sustainable Performance in Small Enterprises after the Corona Pandemic in Saudi Arabia


  • Dr. Nahla Al-Nour Muhammad Al-Makki
  • Dr. Abdelkhalig Dinar Abdalla Ibrahim



The problem of the study was represented in that weak corporate governance weakens the enterprise’s potentials; it can lead to financial difficulties and in some cases can cause long-term damage to the enterprise’s reputation. the significance of the study is represented in the importance of applying the principles of corporate governance in small enterprises and their role in enhancing the quality of sustainable performance. The corona pandemic has greatly affected the performance of many enterprises that did not commit to applying the principles of governance during and after the pandemic while other enterprises that committed to applying the principles of good governance less affected by the Corona pandemic.  The study aims to clarify the role of applying the principles of governance in enhancing the quality of sustainable performance in small enterprises and to identify the impact of the commitment to applying the principles of governance in achieving the objectives of small enterprises. The study verified the following hypotheses: There is no a statistically significant relationship between the commitment to applying the principles of governance and the enhancement of sustainable performance in small enterprises. There is no a statistically significant relationship between the commitment to applying the principles of governance and the achievement of the objectives of small enterprises. The study concluded the findings: There is a statistically significant relationship between the commitment to applying the principles of governance and the achievement of the objectives of small enterprises.


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How to Cite

Dr. Nahla Al-Nour Muhammad Al-Makki, & Dr. Abdelkhalig Dinar Abdalla Ibrahim. (2023). The Role of Governance Principles in Enhancing Sustainable Performance in Small Enterprises after the Corona Pandemic in Saudi Arabia. Migration Letters, 20(S9), 128–143.


