Governance and Citizen Satisfaction in Intermediate Cities of Ancash (Peru)


  • Willy Alex Castañeda-Sánchez
  • Félix Claudio Julca-Guerrero
  • Fernando Vega-Huincho
  • Benjamín Roldan Polo Escobar
  • Julio César Matos Quesada
  • Rosa Gabriela Pascual Albitres



The study analyzes the relationship between governance and citizen satisfaction in three intermediate cities of Aija, Casma and Yungay (Ancash, Peru). In recent decades, the trend in these cities has been population growth in urban areas with signs of corruption. Context where governance is in charge of municipal or municipal authorities. The main purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between governance and citizen satisfaction, taking into account citizen participation, development in the educational field and citizens' expectations of governance with a view to the future. For this purpose, a correlational descriptive research was carried out with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 320 male and female villagers aged between 18 and 70 years. For data collection, the survey technique was used and the questionnaire was used as an instrument, which included 20 questions. The main findings are that the relationship between governance and citizen satisfaction is low. Similarly, citizen participation in public works is low, as well as attention to educational services is low. For this reason, the population has no greater expectations for the development of their peoples. Consequently, governance in the intermediate cities of Ancash needs to be modernized, reinvented and enable citizen participation in the planning and execution of public works in order to respond with relevance according to each specific reality.


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How to Cite

Castañeda-Sánchez, W. A. ., Julca-Guerrero, F. C., Vega-Huincho, F. ., Escobar, B. R. P. ., Quesada, J. C. M. ., & Albitres, R. G. P. . (2023). Governance and Citizen Satisfaction in Intermediate Cities of Ancash (Peru) . Migration Letters, 20(S9), 56–66.


