Legal Regulation of the Process of Demarcation of River Borders


  • Fatima Mahmoud Al-tai
  • Dr. Nibras Ibrahim Muslim



Water Boundary constitutes an exception to the principle of full autonomy of the state over its resources, as this principle does not apply to water resources whose area extends to more than one country. It is then possible to give legitimacy to one of these countries by controlling it completely, in order to avoid the damage that may result, represented by monopolizing the benefit generated by it by diverting its waters or building dams on it in an unregulated manner, which Results in harm to the rest of the countries that share these water resources with it, and for this matter International law has reached some legal rules regulating the Boundary of international rivers, which arose through custom and confirmed in international agreements, as well as through judicial rulings in international disputes related to this matter, and thus the river Boundary between the state became exclusive and fixed, unlike what was prevalent in the past century. Based on the findings of international law to solve the problems of rivers shared between countries, this resulted in what is called Boundary demarcation, which represents the practical and technical application of the texts of treaties and agreements that define river Boundary.


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How to Cite

Fatima Mahmoud Al-tai, & Dr. Nibras Ibrahim Muslim. (2023). Legal Regulation of the Process of Demarcation of River Borders . Migration Letters, 20(S8), 717–732.


