Impact of Accounting Practices to keep an Adequate Accounting in the Micro Companies of the Guaranda Canton, 2023


  • García García Verónica Tatiana
  • Raúl Marcelo Chávez Benavides
  • Vistín Mena Gorqui Elisalde
  • Vistin Vistin Jair Manuel



This scientific article is to carry out the analysis of the impact of accounting practices to keep adequate accounting in micro companies, through a field study that indicates the study of accounting practices in the Canton of Guaranda, so it is of great importance that know, specify, plan and manage making them grow and endure in the market,  for which we have carried out a survey to find out if there is a need in micro-enterprises, in addition, the introduction, the background with sufficient information, the materials used was a questionnaire to collect information, the methods where we explain the procedures and approach of the investigation, results and discussion what we obtained when carrying out the article,  the respective conclusion, thanks and the respective bibliography to support the work. The use of accounting practices in micro companies helps to form and develop an integration in all areas, giving results and making correct decisions. To keep proper accounting since we are in the 21st century, today's technology is very significant, for a long time accounting has been carried out with updated programs, which are essential through accounting systems that facilitate obtaining information on the financial status of the company in order to improve economic stability also if the behavior of the company was good or bad in that period of time,  if there are profits or losses and thus be able to determine the future of the micro companies.


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How to Cite

García García Verónica Tatiana, Raúl Marcelo Chávez Benavides, Vistín Mena Gorqui Elisalde, & Vistin Vistin Jair Manuel. (2023). Impact of Accounting Practices to keep an Adequate Accounting in the Micro Companies of the Guaranda Canton, 2023. Migration Letters, 20(S6), 1040–1044.


