Curriculum Diversification: Competency Analysis of Island Potential


  • Kasman
  • Rudi Susilana
  • Dadang Sukirman



Decentralization of education becomes a consesus of improving the quality of human resources such as the implementation of a diversified curriculum based on the situation of potential residence. Today, this concept is a tranding topic in the education system of maritime countries such as Indonesia. The objectives of this study include (1) Analysis of student competency needs based on the potential of island areas in South Sulawesi; (2) Analysis of competencies that need to be developed in a diversified curriculum based on the potential of island areas in South Sulawesi. The research method used is in the form of descriptive statistics with a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques in the form of questionnaire distribution, open interviews, FGDs with experts and practitioners. The results obtained: (1) The tendency of the competence needs of students based on the potential of the archipelago area is natural resources; (2) Trends need to be developed several competencies such as the ability to handle fishery products, processing raw materials, diversifying fishery products, ensuring the quality and safety of fishery products and adding value to processed seaweed products. The implication of this research is the development of a diversified curriculum on the results of investigations obtained as further concrete impacts for educators and students in the archipelago area, South Sulawesi.


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How to Cite

Kasman, Rudi Susilana, & Dadang Sukirman. (2023). Curriculum Diversification: Competency Analysis of Island Potential . Migration Letters, 20(S7), 869–887.


