The double Illocutionary force with causality in Arabic verbs (Collected and investigated)


  • Soha Ismail Mohamed Sheta



The research discusses the double Illocutionary force with causality in Arabic verbs as a manifestation of the Arabic linguistic depth. The verbs, the research subject, are distinguished in the following. First, their occurrence is linked to the occurrence of two verbs, the first as a reason for the second, such as: (I tilted the bowl if I twisted it on its side to gather what was in it). The two verbs twisted, and gather were used in such way.

 The first is a cause in the second, and the movement of the actual performance of the two, the cause and the doer of the action, is called by one verb “I tilted,” which contains two powers of achievement (twisted and gather). The research aim is to collect that special material in Arabic verbs from dictionaries, and study it to show the power of double literal achievement with causation and the relationship. This takes place through deliberativeness in the Arabic lexicon and clarifying the accuracy of the lexical expression in explaining Arabic verbs and standing on a deep and concise characteristic of the meaning of performance in the Arabic verb. Through statistics, the research prepares a special dictionary for this type of verb in Arabic.


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How to Cite

Soha Ismail Mohamed Sheta. (2023). The double Illocutionary force with causality in Arabic verbs (Collected and investigated) . Migration Letters, 20(S6), 604–627.


