Legal and Procedural Rules for DNA in Jordanian and Qatari Law
The technological, scientific, and technological development is what distinguishes our current age, especially in the biological field, and its ability to develop techniques in scientific knowledge, as in the last years a tremendous revolution was caused by the biological development that went along with the technological development, which led to rapid progress. The latter opened wide areas for issues not seen by mankind before, as well as a change in the practice of medicine such as those related to the biological heritage of organisms, and genetic heritage was a field of global controversy over the legitimacy of genetic technologies, and fingerprinting has developed astonishing development so the fingerprint is not confined to the fingers of the hand only, but reached forensic evidence scientists identify the person with his fingerprints, ears, and teeth, and fingerprinting is still advancing with amazing speed to achieve a match between real and legal reality to achieve justice, and this is what the researchers demonstrate from its conceptual and legal framework.
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