A Study of what makes Organizations Successful in a VUCA World


  • Dr. Farah Naqvi
  • Dr. Ariz Naqvi




Objective: The study endeavors to comprehend and identify the organizational factors pivotal for success in a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world. It sheds light on the key differentiators that make certain organizations more successful than others, especially in tumultuous times like those faced during the pandemic.

Method: Employing a qualitative research approach, the authors conducted a detailed virtual focus group discussion with senior executives from diverse sectors and top-tier companies. These participants, with over 15 years of professional experience, were approached through LinkedIn and the author's professional network. Through an hour-long discussion, they contemplated the key differentiating factors for organizational success in the VUCA environment. A consensus emerged highlighting the top eight critical success factors for modern businesses navigating through VUCA challenges. The rankings, in descending order of importance, are Organization culture, Sustainability, Strategic Agility, Ethics, Leadership Style, Strategic focus and alignment, Talent Management systems, and Reward systems. The paper further delves into real-world examples, focusing particularly on the top three factors—organization culture, sustainability, and strategic agility. The paper explores cultural values that strongly impact results like agility, collaboration, customer orientation, diversity, execution, innovation, integrity, performance, and respect, and its influence on outcomes like financial performance, innovation, and employee engagement.

The paper then delves into the second key differentiating factor for organizational success in the VUCA environment which is ‘sustainability’ as to how embracing diversity, being an equal opportunity employer, and functioning in a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable way can position an organization to succeed. Using inspiring examples of some influential and sustainable organizations it tries to elucidate how sustainability can be a source of competitive advantage and drive change innovation and growth.

Result: The paper sheds light on the third key differentiating factor which is strategic agility and discusses how agility which was previously seen as desirable is now becoming indispensable. Agility across a whole enterprise that combines speed and stability helps induce role clarity, innovation, and operational discipline. The paper presents examples of companies that drew benefits from transforming themselves by taking steps towards being an agile company to enhance their performance and profitability. Amidst the vast changes in the socio-political and economic factors, combined with the challenges and changes induced by the pandemic, the study forces the reader to reflect on rethinking organizations' internal and external dynamics. The study highlights factors that facilitate productive engagement of resources, create a satisfying environment, assist in meeting business goals, and prevent organizations from becoming obsolete in the ever-changing business environment.

Conclusion: This research offers an invaluable perspective by gauging real-time opinions from industry leaders during one of the most challenging periods in recent history—the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus group methodology, combined with real-world examples, offers a unique blend of theoretical exploration and practical insights.

The study contributes immensely to the existing literature on organizational success factors in the VUCA world. By bringing forth the opinions of seasoned professionals from diverse industries and coupling them with comprehensive secondary data, it provides actionable insights for organizations looking to adapt, thrive, and sustain in turbulent times. The research also paves the way for further studies to understand how these factors can be practically implemented and measured for optimal organizational performance.


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2023-08-17 — Updated on 2023-11-23

How to Cite

Dr. Farah Naqvi, & Dr. Ariz Naqvi. (2023). A Study of what makes Organizations Successful in a VUCA World. Migration Letters, 20(S4), 143–158. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v20iS4.3840


