The Islamic Worldview Posits that Enlightened Leadership Plays a Crucial Role in the Attainment of Sustainable Development


  • Dr. Hezouma Shaker Rashid Saleh,
  • Dr. Ammar Bassem Saleh



The astute leadership articulates a comprehensive perspective on the governance model and its alignment with the values of Shura, as well as the interplay between governance standards and those of accountability and transparency. In order to elicit inspiration in his formulations, the individual incorporates the connotations of spiritual and legal allusions. This serves to invigorate the aspects of maturity within the many state institutions. The significance of this research lies in the development of comprehensive and civilized strategies, as well as establishing a proper relationship between those in power and those being governed. This is essential for achieving effective governance through rational leadership, with the ultimate goal of promoting comprehensive human security within a civilized, urban, and developmental framework. The study demonstrated that the logical form of leadership derived from the principles of Sharia law served as a formidable obstacle to the concept of political dictatorship.

The study underscored the importance of political vigilance in the context of prudent leadership, particularly in light of political advancements and transformations. It emphasized the utilization of disciplined methods to present alternative perspectives, while highlighting the prohibition of employing illicit means to uphold the integrity of political vigilance in constructing a rational state.

The study demonstrated the notion that the examination of governance and leadership is crucial in understanding the fundamental principles and structures that propel human civilizations towards development and improvement. The political and economic shifts brought up a multitude of issues, leading to further modifications and difficulties across diverse sectors within governmental institutions.

The research concluded that resorting to the concept of rational leadership and its mechanisms and values is one of the best means to get rid of backwardness and reach development, prosperity and progress in all fields in light of the inability of the ruling regimes of Arab and Islamic countries at this time to provide a model of good governance for societies.


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How to Cite

Dr. Hezouma Shaker Rashid Saleh, & Dr. Ammar Bassem Saleh. (2023). The Islamic Worldview Posits that Enlightened Leadership Plays a Crucial Role in the Attainment of Sustainable Development . Migration Letters, 20(S3), 602–612.


