The Improvement of the Quality of Private University Education has been Influenced by the Institutional Academic Accreditation Criteria by using the (Benchmarking): A Comparative Applied Study of a Sample of Private Universities in Iraq


  • Dr. Raoudha Kammoun,
  • Alaa Hamed Nawaf Al-Ani



The main goal of the researchers' presentation is to find out how good the education really is at private universities and how the Iraqi criteria for accrediting institutions affect this quality, with the existence of a reference comparison serving as a mediator variable. This instrument is being considered as an administrative model for the assessment, enhancement, and advancement of performance quality in several facets of university operations and within the educational system's components. A checklist to ensure the attainment of realistic and accurate findings includes the implementation of field trips and personal interviews.

The study utilized statistical analysis programs and tools such as SPSSV23, EXCELL, and Smart. The Baron and Kenny (1986) model was chosen to test the mediation in the study's hypotheses and analyze the variables using the correlation and clarification coefficient, standard deviation, arithmetic mean, relative importance, coefficient of difference, and graphical representations of analytical data. The findings of the study indicated a significant and statistically supported impact of the quality of private university education on academic accreditation standards. This impact was observed through various means, with AL-Mustkble University demonstrating distinction and superiority in the application of standards, particularly in areas such as research dissemination, curricula, and student performance. The study also suggested the potential application of a comparison model. The citation of educational services and the subsequent recognition of their significance and widespread distribution

The researchers suggest that there is a necessity to prioritize the enhancement of the quality of university education by utilizing contemporary evaluation models. This approach aligns with the current inclination towards implementing institutional academic accreditation standards and enhancing them in private universities and colleges. The objective is to foster transformation, establish high standards, guarantee quality, and establish a foundation for other private educational institutions. To enhance her educational experience, she seeks to improve her perception of reality within her academic setting.


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How to Cite

Dr. Raoudha Kammoun, & Alaa Hamed Nawaf Al-Ani. (2023). The Improvement of the Quality of Private University Education has been Influenced by the Institutional Academic Accreditation Criteria by using the (Benchmarking): A Comparative Applied Study of a Sample of Private Universities in Iraq . Migration Letters, 20(S3), 270–285.


