Adhesive Strength of Coatings of Military Equipment Parts Obtained by Cold Gas-Dynamic Spraying
The article proposes a model for calculating the adhesive strength of military equipment parts obtained by the method of cold gas-dynamic spraying, without resorting to complex and expensive devices of the non-destructive testing method. This model is based on a system of initial nanocracks, which after 100 nanoseconds turn into mesocracks, and then after being hit by particles of the sprayed substance turn into micron-scale cracks. This process is described by the ratio: Lnm→Lµm→LC=0.17 10-5 M/p (M is the molar mass of the element, p is its density). As a result of spraying due to these cracks, a transition layer is formed, which has adhesive strength. On a concrete example, this model is considered experimentally.
This scientific article was published as part of the implementation of the scientific program of program-targeted financing for 2021-2023 of IRN No. BR1090150221 "Development of technology for protective coatings of surfaces of weapons and military equipment to protect against aggressive environmental factors and operating conditions" (the study is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
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