Histological and Teratogenic Effects of Favimol in Albino Mice
The current study was designed with the aim of evaluating the histological and teratogenic effects of favimol using Swiss albino mice Mus musculus. Histological effects in liver and kidneys were estimated for doses 1200, 2400, and 3200 mg. kg-1. Body weight of Favimol (FAV), as well as an estimate of teratogenic effects at the 1200 mg. kg-1 dose of the same drug, as there were histopathological changes in each of the tissues of the liver and kidneys of the mice treated with the previously mentioned doses, manifestations of different stages of programmed death, necrosis and degeneration were observed, while atrophy of the rows of hepatocytes was observed at the dose of 3200 mg. kg-1. Treatment with different doses of the drug caused epithelial cell sloughing in the lumen of the convoluted tubules and infiltration of blood cells as well as atrophy and degeneration of the epithelial cells of the glomeruli, extensive necrosis of many walls of the convoluted tubules was noted at the dose of 3200 mg. kg-1, and the resulting dose is 1200 mg. Kg-1 in causing a teratogenic effect on the embryos of female mice, as well as the effect of the drug on the weight of the embryos, It is clear from the results of the current study that the drug caused different histological changes in both the liver and kidneys of adult white mice as well as causing teratogenic effects in the embryos of Female albino mice which treated at days 9, 10, and 11 of pregnancy.
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