Efficient and Social Flexi Based Adaptive Immigrant Absorption Model for Improved Migrant Psychology


  • Zainal Habib UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Roch Aris Hidayat National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • I Wayan Nitayadnya National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Ni Wayan Aryani National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Saefuddin National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia.




Migrant Management, Risk Analysis, RSFAIAM, RFA, SFA, MTS.


Towards analyzing migrant standard, various models are defined in literature. The methods consider economic status and educational standards in the management of migrants. However, they suffer to manage the immigrants in efficient way. To handle this issue, a novel Religious and social flexi based adaptive immigrant absorption model (RSFAIAM) is presented in this article. The model uses the Mexican immigrant migration data set. The data set has been preprocessed according to the states of Mexico and analyzes various factors according to religious and social comfort. The Religious Flexi Analysis (RFA) algorithm considers the migrant traffic, migrant violation, judicial security and others. Similarly, the Social Flexi Analysis (SFA) algorithm considers the intra nation marriage, social mobility, migrant welfare activities and others. The RFA algorithm analyze the trust of nation in terms of religious security to compute Religious Score (RS)  and SFA algorithm analyze the trust of nation on social comfort by computing Social Score (SS). Using these two analyses, the method computes the Migrant Attraction Score (MTS) to improve the psychology of migrant. The proposed method improves the performance of migrant management and risk analysis.


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How to Cite

Habib, Z. ., Hidayat, R. A. ., Nitayadnya, I. W. ., Aryani, N. W., & Saefuddin. (2023). Efficient and Social Flexi Based Adaptive Immigrant Absorption Model for Improved Migrant Psychology . Migration Letters, 20(4), 43–52. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v20i4.3190


