Europe’s Migration Crisis: An American Perspective


  • Philip L. Martin Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of California, Davis



migration crisis, policy, American perspective, integration


The European Union’s 28 member nations received over 1.2 million asylum seekers in 2015, including 1.1 million in Germany[1] and over 150,000 in Sweden. The US, by comparison, has been receiving 75,000 asylum applications a year. One reason for the upsurge in asylum applicants is that German Chancellor Angela Merkel in August 2015 announced that Syrians could apply for asylum in Germany even if they passed through safe countries en route. The challenges of integrating asylum seekers are becoming clearer, prompting talk of reducing the influx, reforming EU institutions, and integrating migrants.

[1] Some 1.1 million foreigners were registered in Germany’s EASY system in 2015, but only 476,500 were able to complete asylum applications because of backlogs in asylum offices.


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Author Biography

Philip L. Martin, Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of California, Davis

Philip Martin is Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of California, Davis and a member of the Commission on Agricultural Workers established by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. He is the author of numerous studies and reports on immigration, including Trade and Migration: NAFTA and Agriculture (1993). Prof Martin has guest-edited two issues for Migration Letters on Competitiveness in US and Japan, Migration and Development; comparing US and Mexico, and on Migration Expert Commissions. He has also been co-chair of Turkish Migration Conferences organised by Regent's Centre for Transnational Studies in London.




How to Cite

Martin, P. L. (2016). Europe’s Migration Crisis: An American Perspective. Migration Letters, 13(2), 307–319.

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