Attitudes towards no-European Immigrants in EU: The Role of Legacy Media and New Media




No-European immigrants, legacy media, new media, repeated measures multilevel models


Many studies in different scientific fields offer controversial results on the media’s role to influence attitudes towards immigration. In the present paper, the attitude that European public opinion has towards no-European immigration is analysed through data from Eurobarometer in the 3 waves starting in 2017 until the latest updated in 2019 with the aim to estimate the relationship with new and legacy media use. Specifying repeated measures multilevel models, we find that the use of legacy media (TV, press, and radio) and new media (website and online social networks) affects the relationship between citizens’ opinion in EU and attitudes towards no-European immigrants, when the European migration crisis reaches high levels and the migration issue becomes heated for public opinion. High exposure to news communication produces different relationships looking at legacy and new media. If radio, TV, newspapers are used frequently to obtain political information, the attitudes towards external migration are hostile but also in the case of new media. Legacy media manage to soften the negative attitude towards no-European immigrants, at least for low levels of immigration. On the contrary, new media are able to bring European citizens into line with even negative or hostile attitudes.


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Author Biographies

Venera Tomaselli, University of Catania

Ph.D, is Associate Professor of Social Statistics at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania and member of Centre of Excellence for the Acceleration of HArm Reduction (CoEHAR), an interdepartmental research centre of the University of Catania, where she is principal investigator of international research projects.

Her main research interests concern the methodological issues of multivariate statistical methods for the analysis of immigration population studies, clinical data, big data, network analysis, electoral data, and tourism market segmentation. She has a rich profile of publications in peer reviewed international journals and book chapters. Some recent publications are in:

- multivariate statistical methods in population studies, clinical approaches to genetics and biology

- analysis of electoral data by means of meta-analysis models, spatial models to match territorial, electoral and demographic data and of multivariate and non-standardized statistical methods to test the accuracy measures of sample surveys and opinion polls and to estimate effects of ecological fallacy in electoral turn out

- analysis of tourism incoming, consumer behaviour, market segmentation by means of standardized and fuzzy clustering methods, multinomial logistic regression models

- sampling techniques for survey research.

Rossana Sampugnaro, University of Catania, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania, 8, Vittorio Emanuele II, 95131 Catania, Italy.

Ph.D, is Associate Professor of Political Sociology at the University of Catania. Her research interests are in political communication, parties, and immigration. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Political Sociology Association (A.I.S.).




How to Cite

Tomaselli, V., & Sampugnaro, R. (2022). Attitudes towards no-European Immigrants in EU: The Role of Legacy Media and New Media. Migration Letters, 19(6), 855 –.


